Het Top 1000 Aller Tilburgers Event, gehouden in wijkcentrum In De Boomtak op 31 december 2014, was wederom een ongekend succes. Met elk uur andere presentators en vele optredens van Tilburgse artiesten, interviews en natuurlijk de Top 100 live uitgezonden via Omroep Tilburg.
De presentatoren waren achtereenvolgens Jan van Esch, Gerard Korthout, Pieter Bon, Frans de Laat, Eef van Eerdewijk, Godelieve Engbersen, Peter de Bie, Toine van Corven, John van den Dries, Zjef Naaijkens, Berry Mutsaers en Gert Brunink.
Samen haalden ze geld binnen voor het goede doel: de benefietactie van PortAgora, voor Villa Mara in Trogir (Kroatië), een restaurant naar het voorbeeld van het Tilburgse Prins Heerlijk, waar jongeren met een beperking in de praktijk worden opgeleid voor de horeca. Dit restaurant opent in januari 2015 haar deuren.
De Top1000 aller Tilburgers is nu voor de vierde keer gepresenteerd, hier de lijst van : De Top 1000 van 2011 , De Top 1000 van 2012 en de lijst van de Top 1000 van 2013
1 | Gebaar, Het | Als ik jou was |
2 | Guus Meeuwis | Brabant |
3 | Ludo K.O-Click | De tijden waren mooi |
4 | Rk Veulpoepers BV | De Egelantier |
5 | Ferry van de Zaande | Gròzzie van mèn buurvrouw |
6 | Gorki | Mia |
7 | Frans van der Meer, Leon van Egmond | Vreugde |
8 | Ton Leijten | Bloed zweet en tranen |
9 | Jacques Mees | Sneakin’ out of heavens door |
10 | Ramses Shaffy | Laat me |
11 | Pink Floyd | Wish You were here |
12 | Wim Sonneveld | Dorp, Het |
13 | Boudewijn de Groot | Avond |
14 | Billy Joel | Piano Man |
15 | Twan Lijten | Puur op gevoel |
16 | New Order | Ceremony |
17 | Vandiekomsa | Wijvendans |
18 | U2 | New Years Day |
19 | Eagles, The | Hotel California |
20 | Rolling Stones | Angie |
21 | Pharrell Williams | Happy |
22 | Jacques Brel | Ne Me Quitte Pas |
23 | Rare Earth | Get Ready |
24 | Anton Kwantes | Pad, Het |
25 | Ramses Shaffy | Zonder Bagage |
26 | Iron Butterfly | In a Gadda da Vida |
27 | Led Zeppelin | Stairway to Heaven |
28 | Oasis | Wonderwall |
29 | Abba | Happy New Year |
30 | André van den Boogaart | Het is morgen pas als de wereld vergaat |
31 | Deep Purple | Child of Time |
32 | Cockney Rebel | Sebastian |
33 | Peter Smulders | My Little Lady |
34 | Louis Mhlanga & Eric Van Der Westen | Zvinishamisa |
35 | Vandiekomsa | Kiepenboer |
36 | Andre Hazes | Vlieger, De |
37 | Ed Sheeran | Thinking Out Loud |
38 | Armand | Ben ik te min |
39 | Pittbull | Fireball |
40 | Mathijs Leeuwis | Zware Laarzen |
41 | Koek & Trommel | Vouw de Was |
42 | Nat King Cole | Smile |
43 | Bruun | Stad Amsterdam |
44 | Marianne Rosenberg | Ich bin wie du |
45 | Metallica | Nothing Else Matters |
46 | Fred Wesley & The JB’s | Doin’ It to Death |
47 | Queen | Bohemian Raphsody |
48 | Eric Vloeimans | Hidden history |
49 | Queen | I Want to Break Free |
50 | André van den Boogaart | Fado van de Korte Heuvel |
51 | David Bowie | Heroes |
52 | Cure, The | Forest |
53 | U2 & Mary Jo Blidge | One |
54 | Kinks | Lola |
55 | Mr Probz | Nothing Really Matters |
56 | Racoon | Love you more |
57 | Jacques Mees | Up to you |
58 | David Bowie | China Girl |
59 | Joe Cocker | You Can Leave Your Hat On |
60 | Hozier | Take Me To Church |
61 | John van den Dries | Give me a hug |
62 | Black Eyed Peas | Where is the Love |
63 | Joe Cocker | Unchain my Heart |
64 | Gerardo Frisina | Cubana |
65 | Nine Inch Nails | Hurt |
66 | Frans van der Meer, Leon van Egmond | Hooggaatie |
67 | Animals | House of the rising sun |
68 | Ludo K.O-Click | Alles voor tilburg |
69 | Anton Kwantes | Ken het Verlangen |
70 | Awash | Stop Leaving me |
71 | Pieter Bon & John Nuijten | Zat het zo |
72 | Gregory Porter | 1960 What (Frisina versie) |
73 | Mariah Carey | All I Want for Christmas |
74 | Golden Earring | When the lady smiles |
75 | Michael Jackson | Man in the Mirror |
76 | Chic | Le Freak |
77 | Meatloaf | Paradise by the Dashboardlight |
78 | Procol Harum | Whiter Shade of Pale |
79 | Paul van Kemenade | Bramen plukken |
80 | Edith Piaf | Non,Je ne regrette rien |
81 | Jacky Checker | Pain, The |
82 | Elvis Presley | Jailhouse Rock |
83 | Mathijs Leeuwis | Je Weet zo weinig |
84 | André van den Boogaart | Hey God |
85 | Toni Valen | Zelda |
86 | Robert Palmer | Every Kind of People |
87 | Gebaar, Het | Kijk omhoog |
88 | Frans van der Meer, Leon van Egmond | Wènter |
89 | Peter Smulders | Hallo Mooie Meid |
90 | U2 | Beautifull Day |
91 | Snoop Dogg | Drop it Like it’s Shot |
92 | The Doors | Riders on the Storm |
93 | Ludo K.O-Click | Familie band |
94 | MAM | Maternité (boterham met kaas) |
95 | Damien Rice | It Takes a Lot to Know a Man |
96 | Michael Jackson | Smooth Criminal |
97 | Rolling Stones | Paint it Black |
98 | Temptations | Papa was a rolling stone |
99 | Ferry van de Zaande | Doe men unne Mexicano |
100 | Boudewijn de Groot | Land van Maas en Waal |
101 | Ferry van de Zaande | Schon Woage |
102 | Hennie Vrienten | Tilburg, Texas |
103 | U2 | All I want is You |
104 | Ed Beerens | Take The Train To Nowhere |
105 | Pink Floyd | The Wall |
106 | Jan Smit | Laura |
107 | Ramses Shaffy | Zing Vecht, Bid Lach |
108 | John Miles | Music |
109 | Spina Bifida | Purest Queen |
110 | Guns n Roses | Sweet Child of Mine |
111 | André van den Boogaart | Met de Duivel op mijn hielen |
112 | Bionda, La | One for You, One for me |
113 | Jacques Mees | Bike Rider |
114 | Daft Punk | Get Lucky |
115 | Rolling Stones | Waiting on a friend |
116 | Newz | Oeh I say |
117 | Charles Aznavour | La Bohéme |
118 | Novastar | Lost All over You |
119 | Bonny St Clair | Dokter Bernard |
120 | Sezen Aksu | Ben Sende Tutuklu Kaldım |
121 | Led Zeppelin | In My Time of Dying |
122 | Kate Bush | Cloudbusting |
123 | Jeroen Kant | De Lafaardkapitein |
124 | Elbow | Grounds for Divorce |
125 | Paul de Leeuw | Ik heb je lief |
126 | Alex Risch | Ouwe Heuvel |
127 | Peter Koelewijn | Kom van het dak af |
128 | Stereo MC’s | Connected |
129 | Simple Minds | Theme for Great Cities |
130 | Rammstein | Engel |
131 | VOF de Kunst | Eén kopje koffie |
132 | Alesso | Heroes |
133 | Tremelous | Silence is Golden |
134 | Joy Division | Disorder |
135 | Buddy Holly | Peggy Sue |
136 | Andre Hazes | Eenzame Kerst |
137 | David Bowie | Ziggy Stardust |
138 | Fine Young Cannibals | Suspicious Minds |
139 | Coldplay | Paradise |
140 | Michael Buble | Save the Last Dance |
141 | Earth Wind & Fire | In the Stone |
142 | Damien Rice | I Don’t Want To Change You |
143 | Albert Casanova | Viva Vogeltje |
144 | Prodigy | Firestarter |
145 | Radiohead | Street Spirit (Fade Out) |
146 | Jona Lewie | You will always find me in the kitchen at parties |
147 | Supertramp | Logical Song |
148 | Arcade Fire | Suburbs, The |
149 | Van Morrison | Almost Independence Day |
150 | REO Speedwagon | Keep On Loving You |
151 | Elvis | If I can dream |
152 | Bruce Springsteen | Born to Run |
153 | Dotan | Home |
154 | Caro Emerald & Brook Benton | You are all I want for Christmas |
155 | Ram Jam | Black Betty |
156 | Prince | Purple Rain |
157 | Anouk | Michelle |
158 | Police | Roxanne |
159 | Suzie (Peereboom) | De Wereld is leeg zonder jou |
160 | Johnny Guitar Watson | Real Mother for Ya |
161 | Don Mclean | Vincent |
162 | Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds | We No Who U R |
163 | Weather Girls | It’s Raining Men |
164 | Bob Marley | Natural Mystic |
165 | Madonna | Holiday |
166 | Opposites | Slapeloze nachten |
167 | Metallica | Unforgiven, The |
168 | Outfield, The | Your Love |
169 | Cruches,Les | Keep off |
170 | Coil | Ostia |
171 | Massive Attack | Unfinished Symphony |
172 | Zesde Metaal, Het | Dag zonder schoenen |
173 | Pink Floyd | Echoes |
174 | Run the Jewels | Blockbuster night part 1 |
175 | Beatles | Love me do |
176 | Soft Parade | When Violets meet |
177 | Steppenwolf | Born to be Wild |
178 | U2 | With or Without You |
179 | War on Drugs, The | Red Eyes |
180 | Beyonce | Listen |
181 | Counting Crows | Big Yellow Taxi |
182 | Frans Bauer | Als Sterren aan de Hemel staan |
183 | Temptations | Get Ready |
184 | Creedence Clearwater Revival | I heard it through the Grapevine |
185 | Elvis Presley | Wonder of You |
186 | Youssou n’Dour en Neneh Cherry | Seven Seconds |
187 | Bush | Glycerine |
188 | Project Rakija | Do zna zora |
189 | Smiths, The | Girlfriend in a Coma |
190 | Alice Cooper | School is out |
191 | Robbie Williams | They cant take that away |
192 | Michael Jackson | Black and White |
193 | Ferry van de Zaande | Waor is toch mun zwarte lèère Sjèkétui |
194 | Miriam Makeba | Pata pata |
195 | Colin Blunstone | Wonderful |
196 | Kansas | Carry on my Wayward, Son |
197 | Udo Jürgens | Griechische Wein |
198 | Cats | Little green Bag |
199 | Jethro Tull | Thick as Brick |
200 | Marco Borsato | Binnen |
201 | Og3ne | Magic |
202 | Roy Donders | Ik ben een jongen van de handel |
203 | Pink Floyd | Meddle |
204 | Verisäkeet | Jotunheim |
205 | Bill Callahan | Too Many Birds |
206 | Frans Bauer | Heb je even voor mij |
207 | Mathilde Santing | Beautiful People |
208 | Pixies | Where is my mind |
209 | Simon and Garfunkel | Sound of SIlence |
210 | Supertramp | Fool’s Overture |
211 | Michael Jackson | Ben |
212 | ABBA | Dancing Queen |
213 | Boomtown Rats | I don’t Like Mondays |
214 | Marlon Roudette | When the Beat Drops Out |
215 | Santana | She is not there |
216 | Nickelback | Something in your mouth |
217 | Sinead O’Connor | Troy |
218 | Ria Valk | Oma wil een ToyBoy |
219 | Cliff Richard | Do you want to dance |
220 | Earth Wind & Fire | That’s the way of the World |
221 | DJ Jan | Tomatenplukkers |
222 | Normaal | Oerend Hard |
223 | Propellerheads feat: Miss Shirley Bassey | History Repeating |
224 | Marco Borsato | Zij |
225 | Django Wagner | Kali |
226 | Pink Floyd | Comfortably Numb |
227 | Gerard Maasakkers | Mijn moek |
228 | Krezip | I Would Stay |
229 | Herbert Grönemeyer | Halt Mich |
230 | Billy Idol | White Wedding |
231 | Willem II clublied | Houzee |
232 | Michael Jackson | Butterflies |
233 | Rolling Stones | Sympathy for the Devil |
234 | Soft Cell | Torch |
235 | Tool | 10,000 Days Wings for Marie part 1 |
236 | Urban Symphony | Rändajad (Estonia) |
237 | Gorky | Anja |
238 | Nina Hagen | African Reggea |
239 | Joost Poppelaars & Het Metronoom Orkest | Wat denk je zelf Pa? |
240 | Band Aid | Do the know it’s christmastime |
241 | Fluitekruid | Jaanske van geene kaant |
242 | Ireen Moors | Voor het eerst |
243 | Ray Lamontagne | Be Here Now |
244 | Martin Tungevaag | Wicked Wonderland |
245 | Dave Berry | This Strange Effect |
246 | Anouk | Birds |
247 | Kik, The | Simone |
248 | Jona Lewie | Stop the Cavalry |
249 | Pieter Bon & John Nuijten | Harder dan Zij |
250 | Bob Smit | Op het eerste gezicht |
251 | Coldplay | Clocks (latin mix) |
252 | Great Society (Grace Slick) | Sally go round the Roses |
253 | Rolling Stones | In a other land |
254 | Nicolas Jaar | Don’t Break my Love |
255 | Madonna | Hey You |
256 | Gers Pardoel | Louise |
257 | David Sylvian | Nostalgia |
258 | One Direction | Steal my Girl |
259 | Everly Brothers | Bye Bye Love |
260 | Nick Cave | People Aint No Good |
261 | Shanna Nico | In the Dark |
262 | John Lennon | Imagine |
263 | Jeroen Kant | Spuuglelijke Baby |
264 | Guns n Roses | November Rain |
265 | Mr Probz | Waves |
266 | Anton Kwantes | Elke stad kent zijn stek |
267 | Michael Jackson | Thriller |
268 | Falco | Jeanny |
269 | Andre Hazes | Beetje Verliefd |
270 | Frans van der Meer, Leon van Egmond | Schrikkeljaar in Oisterwijk |
271 | Astrid Nijgh | Ik doe wat ik doe |
272 | Kate Bush | Man with the Child in his Eyes |
273 | Michael Jackson | Billy Jean |
274 | Elvis Presley | If I can dream |
275 | Queen | We Will Rock You |
276 | Amazing Stroopwafels | Oude Maasbrug |
277 | Monty Python | Always look on the bright side of life |
278 | Cher | If I could turn back the Time |
279 | Ike & Tina Turner | Proud Mary |
280 | Doe maar | Nederwiet |
281 | Soft Parade | Moonchild |
282 | Beatles | Long Windy Roads |
283 | Pink Floyd | Atom heart mother |
284 | Dikdakkers | Bobsleelied |
285 | Tamara Tol | Als het nacht wordt |
286 | Troye Sivam | Happy Little Pill |
287 | 10CC | Dreadlock Holiday |
288 | John van den Dries | If You Ever Feel Lonely |
289 | Intwine | Happy |
290 | Seals and crofts | Summer breeze |
291 | Elvis Presley | Angel |
292 | Kensington | Streets |
293 | Henk Dissel | Een Bom |
294 | Meatloaf | Heaven can’t Wait |
295 | Cliff Richard | Young Ones, The |
296 | Black Sabbath | Fairies Wears Boots |
297 | Gladys Knight & The Pips | Midnight Train to Georgia |
298 | Claudia de Breij | Mag ik dan bij jou |
299 | Savannah | Betcha gone love me |
300 | Deus | Suds&Soda |
301 | Andre van den Boogaart | Kruispunt |
302 | Nina Hagen | NaturTrane |
303 | Section 25 | Girls don’t Count |
304 | Loreen | Euphoria |
305 | Donna Summer | Independance |
306 | John West | Jouw Blik |
307 | Maroon 5 | Animals |
308 | Francoise Hardy | Tous les Garcons |
309 | Radical Face | Welcome Home |
310 | Beatles | Something |
311 | Opgezwolle | Open Ogen |
312 | Tom Jones | Sex bomb |
313 | Bob Marley | Jammin |
314 | Zanger Rinus | Heb jij mijn piek gezien |
315 | Julio Iglesias | Gozar La Vida |
316 | Anne Clark | Our Darkness |
317 | Doe Maar | Smoorverliefd |
318 | Status Quo | Rocking all over the world |
319 | Antlers, The | Bear |
320 | Queen | Somebody to love |
321 | Jarabe de Palo | Bonito |
322 | National, The | Demons |
323 | Joy Division | Decades |
324 | Santana | Maria Maria |
325 | Bob Marley | Redemption Song |
326 | Prince | When Doves Cry |
327 | John Lennon | Working Class Hero |
328 | Milkman | Speak English or Die |
329 | Blur | Song 2 |
330 | Journey | Dont Stop Believing |
331 | Jan Smit | Ik voel me zo verdomd alleen |
332 | Creedence Clearwater Revival | Proud Mary |
333 | Frank Sinatra | My Way |
334 | Billy Joel | Goodnight Saigon |
335 | Ben Howard | Keep your Head Up |
336 | Guus Meeuwis | Per spoor (kedeng kedeng) |
337 | Dire Straits | Brothers in Arms |
338 | MAM | Ongelofelijk |
339 | Motorhead | Ace of Space |
340 | Metallica | Wherever I May Roam |
341 | Johnny Cash | Ring of Fire |
342 | Pukes, The | Lost at Sea |
343 | Lee Ritenour en Ivan Lins | Beyond the Storm |
344 | Simply Red | Fairground |
345 | Michael Buble | Sway |
346 | Rage Against the Machine | Killing in the name of |
347 | Talking Heads | Crosseyed and Painless |
348 | Jan Smit | Omaatje Lief |
349 | Skunk Anansie | Weak |
350 | Nena | 99 Luftballons |
351 | Roger Waters | Amused to Death |
352 | Kidd Rock | So Hot |
353 | Charles Aznavour | Que c’est triste Venice |
354 | Donny Hathaway | The Ghetto |
355 | Maurice Leenaars | Bach Prelude D Minor BWV 999 |
356 | 3 Doors Down | Kryptonite |
357 | Lou Reed | Perfect Day |
358 | Earth & Fire | Weekend |
359 | Blind Faith | Can’t find my way back home |
360 | Radiohead | Creep |
361 | Section 25 | Looking from a Hilltop |
362 | In het zicht van de haven | Sjors |
363 | Avicii | Hey Brother |
364 | Roger Waters | Pros and Cons of Hitch Hiking Part 10 |
365 | Paolo Nutini | Let me down easy |
366 | Philip Glass | Hours, The |
367 | Stromae | On Dance |
368 | 5 seconds of summer | 18 |
369 | Peter Maffay | Du |
370 | AC/DC | Whole lotta Rosie |
371 | Rahat Fateh Ali Khan | Zaroori Tha |
372 | Andy Tielman | Blue Bayoo |
373 | Run the Jewels | Close your Eyes |
374 | Pink Floyd | Money |
375 | Verisäkeet | Haaska |
376 | Guus Mulder | The Story behind the Song |
377 | Madrugada | Our Time Won´t Live That Long |
378 | Jamie Cullum | These are the Days |
379 | Gotye | Somebody l used to know |
380 | Edwin Balogh | Soldier of Time |
381 | Edwin Hawkins Singers | Oh Happy Day |
382 | Gerard van Maasakkers | Cis Verdonk |
383 | Blue Diamonds | Ramona |
384 | Tavares | Heaven |
385 | Doe Maar | Nachtzuster |
386 | Newz | Jump on |
387 | Jan Boezeroen | Fles, De |
388 | Gerard Joling | Ik hou er zo van |
389 | Van dik Hout | Stil in mij |
390 | Tramps, The | Disco Inferno |
391 | Cats | Lea |
392 | Melchior Franck | O Denneboom |
393 | Golden Earing | Radar Love |
394 | Bette Midler | Rose, The |
395 | Wim Kersten | Bloemetjesgordijn |
396 | Boyzone | No Matter What |
397 | Royal Blood | Figure it Out |
398 | Roy Orbison | Dreams |
399 | John Lennon | Mother |
400 | Dave Ball | Sincerity |
401 | Tallest Man on Earth, The | Love is All |
402 | Working Week | Venceremos |
403 | Neil Young | Tonight’s the Night |
404 | Sonic Youth | Teenage Riot |
405 | Rene Froger | Een eigen huis |
406 | Krezip | Sweet Goodbeys |
407 | Elvis Costello | I Want You |
408 | Moby | Hotel |
409 | Simple Minds | I Travel |
410 | Doe Maar | Je loopt je lul achterna |
411 | Ariana Grande | Santa tell me |
412 | Stromae | Formidable |
413 | Snow Patrol | Chasin’ Cars |
414 | Nunki | Lilttle Astronaut |
415 | Ben l’Oncle Soul | Soul Wash |
416 | John Lennon | Happy Xmas (War Is Over) |
417 | Bradley’s circus | 90 Miles |
418 | Joe Cocker | You Are So Beautoful |
419 | Madness | Baggy Trousers |
420 | Bruun | Mijn vlees en bloed |
421 | Dr.Dre | 187 On A Undercover Cop |
422 | Fujiya-Miyagi | Knickerbocker |
423 | Anthony and the johnsons | Hope there’s someone |
424 | Beatles | Come togeteher |
425 | Nina Hagen | Unbeschreiblich Weiblich |
426 | Julio Iglesias | El Amor |
427 | New Order | Blue Monday |
428 | Stevie Wonder | Another Star |
429 | The Doors | When the Music’s Over |
430 | Quiet500 Levenslied Eric Rugebregt | Reik me je arm |
431 | Jamie Cullum | Twenty Something |
432 | Jett Rebel | Louise |
433 | D-Shake | My Heart The Beat |
434 | War on Drugs, The | Under the Pressure |
435 | Little River band | Happy Annyversary |
436 | Rihanna | Shut up and drive |
437 | Talking Heads | Listening Wind |
438 | Bert en Ernie | Ik ben een kerstbal |
439 | Country Wilma | Henkie mijn hengst |
440 | Zjef Vanuytsel | Zotte Morgen, De |
441 | Angus & Julia Stone | Black Crow |
442 | Van Morrison | Listen to the lion |
443 | Erwin Steijlen | Walk the line |
444 | Fez | Underworld |
445 | Rob de Nijs | Het werd zomer |
446 | Earth & Fire | Love of Life |
447 | Alain Clark | Father & Friend |
448 | Beethoven | Eroica |
449 | Green Day | Welcome to Paradise |
450 | Tori Amos | Waitress, The |
451 | Los Lobos | Kiko |
452 | Elvis Presley | It happened at the World Fair |
453 | Fats Domino | Blueberry Hill |
454 | Elisa Tovati & Tom Dice | Il nous faut |
455 | Joe Cocker | Cry me a river |
456 | VOF de Kunst | Suzanne |
457 | Rolling Stones | Black and Blue |
458 | Rammstein | Mutter |
459 | Ben Howard | I Forget Where we Were |
460 | Ben Howard | Old Pine |
461 | King Crimson | epitaph |
462 | Van Morrison | Gloria |
463 | Mario Borsato | Zij |
464 | Roy Donders | Ga voor goud |
465 | Dolly Parton | Yolene |
466 | ManOwaR | I Believe |
467 | Mumford & Sons | Cave |
468 | Charles Aznavour | Non, je n’ai rien oublilier |
469 | Rusty Nuts | Hipslicker |
470 | Olodum | Madagascar |
471 | Talking Heads | Drugs |
472 | Boudewijn de Groot | Meneer de President |
473 | Shaffy/List | Laat me/Vivre |
474 | Radical Face | Winter is Coming |
475 | Rheingold | Dreiklang Dimensionen |
476 | RK Veulpoepers BV | Goade mee |
477 | Reinhard Mey | Ich Liebe Dich |
478 | Frank Sinatra | Strangers in the Night |
479 | Mario Bondini | This is what you are |
480 | Racoon | Liverpool Rain |
481 | Reinhard Mey | Als de dag van toen |
482 | Robbie Williams | Something Stupid |
483 | Riverside | Hybrid Times |
484 | Vengeance | Arabia |
485 | Maurice Leenaars en Jose Ligero | Siguirita |
486 | Herman van Veen | Kletsnatte Clowns |
487 | Rick Ross ft Akon | Cross That Line |
488 | Andre van Duin | Paard in de gang |
489 | Bing Crosby | Little Drummer Boy |
490 | Jacqueline Govaert | Sound in a distance |
491 | Clash, The | Magnificent Seven |
492 | Oum Kalthoum | Ya Msaharni |
493 | Pearl Jam | Black |
494 | Charles Aznavour | Yesterday When I was Young |
495 | Sam the sham and the faraos | Wooly bully |
496 | Tammy Wynette | Stand by your man |
497 | Pink | Family Portrait |
498 | Muse | Supermassive Black Hole |
499 | Maria Callas | Madame Butterfly |
500 | Earth Wind & Fire | Boogie Wonderland |
501 | Charles Aznavour | She |
502 | Sandy Coast | Eyes off Jenny |
503 | Arash | Temptation |
504 | Vandiekomsa | Theunissen |
505 | Koek en Trommel | Lievelingsgetal |
506 | Marieke van Middelkoop | Stilte |
507 | Belle Perez | Bailaremos |
508 | Milan Milano | En ik droom |
509 | Daybroke | You Know I Want It |
510 | Skinny Puppy | Rodent |
511 | Pat Boone | Bernardine |
512 | Conway Twitty | I see the want in your eyes |
513 | Todd Rundgren | Hello It’s Me |
514 | Joe Cocker | Little help from my friends |
515 | The Doors | End, the |
516 | Kings of Leon | Sex on Fire |
517 | Sore Losers, The | Working Overtime |
518 | Nick en Simon | Rosanne |
519 | Booker T. Jones | Green Onions |
520 | Vandiekomsa | Nie Erg |
521 | Remote | Another Sincerity |
522 | Katinka Polderman | Zeemanslied |
523 | Mosqio | Doing the Funk |
524 | The Carpenters |
Mister Postman |
525 | Delta Dua Wanao | Manise |
526 | Underworld | Kittens |
527 | Anouk | Nobody’s Wife |
528 | Don Henley | Boys of summer |
529 | Benny Neyman | Je hoeft me niet te zeggen hoe ik leven moet |
530 | Lisa | Hallelua |
531 | Devils Blood (The) | I was promised an heaven |
532 | Romantics | What I like about You |
533 | Ellen te Damme | Ich liebe wie du lügst |
534 | Simple Minds | Someone Somewhere in the Summertime |
535 | Racoon | Shoes of lightning |
536 | Verisäkeet | Pimeä |
537 | Velvet Revolver | Fall to pieces |
538 | Coldplay | Magic |
539 | David Sylvian | September |
540 | Robbie Williams | Angels |
541 | Elvis Crespo | Suavemente |
542 | Katharina and the Waves | Walking on Sunshine |
543 | Nick Cave | No More Shall We Part |
544 | The Doors | LA Woman |
545 | Avicii | Levels |
546 | Randy Crawford | Rainy Night in Georgia |
547 | John Cale/Lou Reed | Songs for Drella |
548 | Corry Konings | Rozen die bloeien |
549 | Gruppo Sportivo | Buddy Odor is a Gas |
550 | Steven Wilson | Driving Home |
551 | Killing Joke | Love Like Blood |
552 | Aerosmith | Love in an Elevator |
553 | Maaike Hermans | Home Naked and Winged |
554 | Rooie Stien | Woar is m’n baksteen |
555 | Klein Orkest | Over de Muur |
556 | Gebaar, Het | Hart van glas |
557 | ABC | The Look of Love |
558 | Vinzzent | Groen, geel, blauw, rood |
559 | George Baker | Little green Bag |
560 | Yuki Yaki | Alleen worde gij gebore |
561 | Run the Jewels | Crown |
562 | Kate Bush | Wuthering Heights |
563 | Guus Meeuwis | Zonder Jou |
564 | Queen | Love of my life |
565 | Neneh Cherry | Manchild |
566 | Darren Hayes | Insatiable |
567 | Ozzy Osborne | No More Tears |
568 | Tom Waits | Cigarettes |
569 | Andre Hazes | Kleine Jongen |
570 | Men at Work | Overkill |
571 | K3 | 3 biggetjes |
572 | Deurzakkers | Het Feest kan Beginnen |
573 | Soft Cell | Sex Dwarf |
574 | Paul van Kemenade | Soul Afrique |
575 | Pieter Bon & John Nuijten | En Als Joop het zegt is het waar |
576 | Jimi Hendrix | Hey Joe |
577 | Godley and cream | Cry |
578 | 3 J’s | Wiegelied |
579 | Koek & Trommel | Vruchteloos |
580 | Afrojack | Ten Feet Tall |
581 | Herman’s Hermits | No Milk Today |
582 | Metallica | One |
583 | Doe Maar | Ze is van mij |
584 | Tool | Stinkfist |
585 | Rob de Nijs | Malle Babbe |
586 | Frans van der Meer, Leon van Egmond | Puppeteers from Hell |
587 | Guus Meeuwis | Hoogste Tijd |
588 | Andre Manuel | Kraaien |
589 | Cult, The | Sanctuary |
590 | Frans Duijts | Jij denkt dat je alles mag |
591 | Maria Mena | He is hurting me |
592 | Bots | Snotneus |
593 | Bruun | Volle Maan |
594 | Strand of Oaks | Do You Like to Read? |
595 | Jonathan Richman | Egyptian Reggea |
596 | Chris de Burgh | A Woman’s Heart |
597 | Madonna | Live to tell |
598 | Rupert Holmes | Pina Colada Song |
599 | Martin Solveig | I am a good man |
600 | Bangles, The | Walk like an Egyptian |
601 | Ryan Paris | Dolce Vita |
602 | John van den Dries | Stolen Moments |
603 | Dr. John | Right Place Wrong Time |
604 | Johnny Cash | Cry, Cry, Cry |
605 | Jacques Herb | Manuela |
606 | Cream | White Room |
607 | Ciska Peters & Ronnie Tober | Naar de kermis |
608 | Starsailor | Alcoholic |
609 | David Guetta ft Sia | Titanium |
610 | Prince | Sexy Motherfucker |
611 | Acda & de Munnik | Het Regent Zonestralen |
612 | Krezip | Plug it in |
613 | Frank Zappa | Yellow snow |
614 | Les Poppys | Non, rien ne va changer |
615 | Kelly Family | An Angel |
616 | Daughter | Youth |
617 | Stars | Destine |
618 | Mumford & Sons | Dust Bowl Dance |
619 | Patsy Cline | Life’s Railroad |
620 | Foo Fighters | All my life |
621 | Mariah Carey | Touch my body |
622 | Gebroeders Ko | Schatje, mag ik je foto |
623 | Maurice Leenaars | Buleria |
624 | Starland Vocal Band | Afternoon delight |
625 | Beyoncé | Single Lady’s |
626 | Johnny Mathis | It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas |
627 | Paolo Conte | Max |
628 | Joy Division | Love Will Tear Us Apart |
629 | Geert van Dieren, Lex van Hoppe | Ik heb een clubke opgericht |
630 | Stephen Stills | Love the one you’re with |
631 | Counting Crows | Holiday in Spain |
632 | Chris Rea | Josephine |
633 | Anouk | Sacrifice |
634 | Frans Halsema | Voor haar |
635 | Them | Gloria |
636 | Sam Chatmon | Stop and listen blues |
637 | Prince | Adore |
638 | Duo Dovemansoren | Laat me |
639 | Daughter | Still |
640 | Beyoncé | Halo |
641 | Jan Akkerman | Streetwalker |
642 | Jacques Mees | Times, They are Changing |
643 | Johnny Cash | Cocaine Blues |
644 | Poison Idea | Gone for good |
645 | J.J. Cale | Magnolia |
646 | J’me Tire | Maitre Gims |
647 | Simple Minds | Belfast Child |
648 | Lost Shadow puppets | My Mistakes were made for you |
649 | De Dijk | Doe het licht uit |
650 | Diana Ross | Do you know |
651 | Motorcycle | As the rush comes |
652 | Nirvana | Something in the Way |
653 | Sound Specials | I wasn’t |
654 | Mathijs Leeuwis | Doden met verlof |
655 | Lamb | Gabriel |
656 | Guus Meeuwis | Jouw Hand |
657 | Ralf McTell | Streets of London |
658 | Pearl Jam | Alive |
659 | Pearl Jam | Nothing |
660 | ACDC | Highway to hell |
661 | Naughty Boy | La la la |
662 | Corry Konings | Mooi was die tijd |
663 | Chris Isaak | Wicked Game |
664 | Daughter | Human |
665 | Deep Purple | Burn |
666 | Al Jarreau | Your Song |
667 | Racounters | Wetsuite |
668 | Roy Orbison | Dream Baby |
669 | Nielson & Miss Montreal | Hoe |
670 | Cat Stevens | My lady D’Arbanville |
671 | Celine Dion | My heart will go on |
672 | De Dijk | Dansen op de vulkaan |
673 | Rene Smulders | Spreid je vleugels |
674 | Frans Duijts | Morgen is pas morgen |
675 | Chicken Chack | I’d rather go blind |
676 | Gnarls Barkley | Crazy |
677 | Neil Young | Sweet Caroline |
678 | Deep Purple | Hush |
679 | Shins | New Slang |
680 | Kelly Family | Flip a Coin |
681 | Charles Aznavour | Il Faut Savoir |
682 | James Blake | Lindisfarne 2 |
683 | Yiruma | River flows in you |
684 | Anouk | Girl |
685 | Melanie Safka | Beautiful People |
686 | Mazzy Star | Fade Into You |
687 | U2 | You are the Real Thing |
688 | Jimi Hendrix | Red House |
689 | Straf | Verpakt |
690 | Van Morrison | Bright side of the road |
691 | Toto | Hold the line |
692 | Queen | Dear Friends |
693 | Red Hot Chili Peppers | Sir psycho sexy |
694 | Nick Cave | Into my arms |
695 | Amos Lee | Arms Of A Woman |
696 | Dorothy Moore | Misty Blue |
697 | R. Kelly | I believe I can fly |
698 | Mark Withak | Music is my alibi |
699 | Green Lizard | Autumn |
700 | Elvis Presley | My Boy |
701 | Muse | Resistance |
702 | Neville Brothers | Yellow Moon |
703 | K3 | Oma’s aan de Top |
704 | J.J.Cale | After Midnight |
705 | Vitalic | Wooo |
706 | Van der Grinten | Maandagochtendkater |
707 | Kevin Ayers | Lady Rachel |
708 | John Legend | Made to love |
709 | Mark Lanegan | Strange Religion |
710 | Jaap Fischer (Joop Visser) | Het Ei |
711 | Twan Lijten | 1000 Redenen |
712 | Johnny Cash | Folsom Blues |
713 | Roxy Music | Avalon |
714 | Golden Earring | 45 miles |
715 | Johnny Cash | I walk the line |
716 | Mills Brothers | Paperdoll |
717 | Crash Test Dummies | Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm |
718 | Creedence Clearwater Revival | Have you ever seen the rain |
719 | Johnny Cash | Delia’s gone |
720 | Bryan Adams | I’m ready |
721 | Bløf | Hier aan de kust |
722 | Afghan Wings | Faded |
723 | Billy Joel | She is always a woman |
724 | Nick Drake | Fruit Tree |
725 | Mieke Telkamp | Waarheen, Waarvoor |
726 | Calogero | C’est dit |
727 | Bolland & Bolland | Too far too late |
728 | Santana | Samba Pa Ti |
729 | Dire Straits | Private Investigations |
730 | INXS | Never Tear us Apart |
731 | Human League | Together in electric dreams |
732 | Tenacious D | Fuck her gently |
733 | Garou, Daniel Lavoie, Bruno Pelletier, Luck Mervil | Belle |
734 | Coolio | Gangster’s Paradise |
735 | Willem II lied | We Lusse ze Gruun |
736 | U2 | Were the Streets have no Name |
737 | Emeli Sande | Read all about it |
738 | Golden Earring | Vanilla Queen |
739 | Ravel | Bolero |
740 | Guus Meeuwis | Dat komt door jou |
741 | Onbekend | We hebben de schoonste stad van het laand |
742 | Lighthouse family | High |
743 | Korn | Another brick in the wall |
744 | René Schuurmans | Samen |
745 | Carly Simon | You are so vain |
746 | Neil Young | Cowgirl in the sand |
747 | Adele | Someone like you |
748 | Yes | Owner of a lonely heart |
749 | Brainpower | Hart/Hard |
750 | Straf | Fanfare van het bijstere Spoor |
751 | John van den Dries | Never loved a women like you |
752 | Decibel | Slaoi meej aai meej juin meej èèrepel |
753 | Bill Haley | Rock around the clock |
754 | Simon and Garfunkel | Only living Boy in New York |
755 | Mars Volta | Since we’ve been wrong |
756 | Wipers | Window shop for love |
757 | Klein Orkest | Even voor eeuwig |
758 | André Hazes | Zeg maar niets meer |
759 | Andre Hazes | Dat ene moment |
760 | John Lee Hooker | Boom Boom |
761 | Aaron Lewis | Its been a while |
762 | Kenny Rodgers & Dolly Parton | Islands in the Stream |
763 | Smashing Pumpkins | Starla |
764 | Neil Young | Heart Of Gold |
765 | Madonna | Material Girl |
766 | Jannes | Adio Amore adio |
767 | Reinhard Mey | Letzte Zigarette |
768 | Vera Lynn | We’ll meet again |
769 | Guns ’n Roses | Don’t Cry |
770 | Boudewijn de Groot | 21 jaar |
771 | Tiesto | Love comes again |
772 | Soft Cell | Tainted Love |
773 | BAP | Kristallnaach |
774 | Madonna | Give It 2 Me |
775 | Psychick warriors ov gaia | Kraak |
776 | Batiste | Roos |
777 | Four non blonds | What up |
778 | Doe Maar | Sinds een dag of 2 |
779 | T.Raumschmiere | Monster Truck Driver |
780 | Pink Floyd | Run like hell |
781 | Marvin Gaye | I Heard it Through the Grapevine |
782 | Uriah Heep | Very´eavy Very´umble |
783 | Herman Brood | Saturday Night |
784 | Walter Trout | Black Night |
785 | Anastacia | Left Outside Alone |
786 | Philip Glass | Morning Passages ‘The Hours’ |
787 | Foo Fighters | Stranger things have happened |
788 | Elvis Presley | In the Getto |
789 | Venga Boys | Ibiza |
790 | Eros Ramazzotti | Un’emozione per sempre |
791 | Pink FLoyd | Dark Side of the Moon |
792 | Han Bennink | Solo |
793 | Arcade Fire | Reflektor |
794 | Billy Ocean | Love realy hurts |
795 | Faith no more | Easy |
796 | Procol Harum | Grand hotel |
797 | Ruth Jacott | Leun op mij |
798 | Simply Red | If you don’t know me by now |
799 | Neil Young | Rockin in the Free World |
800 | David Bowie | Young americans |
801 | Eddie Hinton | Everybody needs love |
802 | Rollins Band | Liar |
803 | Lou Reed | Brandenburger Gate |
804 | Leonard Cohen | Suzanne |
805 | Alice in Chains | Would? |
806 | Ozric Tentacles | Sploosh |
807 | Take That | Greatest day |
808 | Scott MacKenzie | San Francisco |
809 | Kate Bush | Hello Earth |
810 | George Harrison | All things must pass |
811 | Depeche Mode | Broken |
812 | Iggy Pop | I wanna be your dog |
813 | Van Halen | Hot for Teacher |
814 | RK Veulpoepers BV | Boerenbond |
815 | Elvis Presley | One for the memory |
816 | DJ Paul Elstak | Rainbow in the sky |
817 | Jean Michel Jarre | Oxygene |
818 | Batiste | Vakantieliefde |
819 | Nick Cave | Mercy Seat |
820 | Motorpsycho | Vortex surfer |
821 | Bruce Springsteen | I wanna marry you |
822 | Peter Fox | Haus am See |
823 | Chambao | Playas de Barbate |
824 | Master of Hardcore | Niels is Homo |
825 | Johnny Clegg | Asimbonanga (Mandela) |
826 | Joe Cocker Rita Coolidge | Superstar |
827 | Roy Donders | Harde krullen |
828 | Phil Collins | In the Air Tonight |
829 | Lynyrd Skyngyrd | Free Bird |
830 | Red Hot Chili Peppers | Other Side |
831 | Guns ’n Roses | Paradise City |
832 | Jan Smit | Leef nu het kan |
833 | Jimi Hendrix | All along the watchtower |
834 | Kayagoogoo | Too shy |
835 | Sarah Connor | From Sarah with love |
836 | Live | Run to the Water |
837 | Ricky Martin | Private Emotion |
838 | Jimi Hendrix | Purple Haze |
839 | Gé Reinders | Bloasmuziek |
840 | Radiohead | Codex |
841 | Armin van Buuren | This is what it feels like |
842 | Bots | Lied van de werkende jeugd |
843 | Skunk Anansie | Hedonism |
844 | Roy Orbison | Only The Lonely |
845 | Michael Jackson | Heal the world |
846 | René Schuurmans | Als ik jou zie |
847 | Rare Earth | Hey big brother |
848 | Robbie Williams | Mr. Bojangles |
849 | Dvbbs & Borgeous | Tsunami |
850 | Alex Harvey | Faith Healer |
851 | Tom Barman / Deus | Right as Rain |
852 | Nick Drake | Magic |
853 | Van der Grinten | Marktplaats |
854 | Pink | Just give me a Reason |
855 | Willemijn Smeets | Drankurgel |
856 | Jose James | Dreamer |
857 | Bastille | Pompeii |
858 | Coldplay | Fix you |
859 | Tom Waits | Eggs and sausage |
860 | Kansas | Closet Chronicles |
861 | Pryda | Rotonda (original mix) |
862 | Bon Jovi | Always |
863 | Genesis | Driving the last spike |
864 | Backstreet Boys | Everybody |
865 | Otis Redding | Sitting on the dock of the bay |
866 | Kelly Family | Fell in love with an aliën |
867 | Rage against the machine | Guerillia Radio |
868 | Best Coast | Boyfriend |
869 | John van den Dries | Niemandsland |
870 | Beach Boys | I get around |
871 | Daniel Lohues | Op fietse |
872 | Talking Heads | Slippery People |
873 | Ilse de Lange | Miracle |
874 | Bette Midler | Wind Beneath My Wings |
875 | Etta James | My Dearest Darling |
876 | Adamo | Vous Permettez |
877 | Oasis | Champange Supernova |
878 | Jean Paul | Get Busy |
879 | Paul Weller | You do Something to Me |
880 | Niels Geusebroek | Take your Time Girl |
881 | Coldplay | Vive La Vida |
882 | Tracy Chapman | Fast car |
883 | Elvis Presley | One Night |
884 | Locomotions | Please return |
885 | Les Cruches | Whisky Bar |
886 | Cornelis Vreeswijk | Nozem en de non |
887 | Gossip | Heavy Cross |
888 | ManOwaR | Sleipnir |
889 | Fat Freddy’s Drop | Blackbird |
890 | Studio Tan | Ocean Drive |
891 | Cher | Live |
892 | Rory Gallagher | Going To my Home Town |
893 | Alexis Jordan | Love mist |
894 | John Anderson | I Hear You Now |
895 | Siouxi & the Banshees | Cities in Dust |
896 | Siouxi & the Banshees | Through the looking glass |
897 | Soulwax | Much Against Everyone’s Advice |
898 | Bruce Hornsby & The Range | The Way It Is |
899 | André Hazes | La mama |
900 | Ten Years After | I’m Going Home |
901 | Greenfield & Cook | Don’t turn me loose |
902 | Koek & Trommel | Mama mango |
903 | Otis Redding | A Change is gonna Come |
904 | Joy Division | Shadowplay |
905 | Deus | Nothing Really Ends |
906 | Red Hot Chili Peppers | Under the Bridge |
907 | George Michael | Freedom |
908 | Queens of the Stoneage | Feel good hit of the summer |
909 | Neil Young | After the Goldrush |
910 | Beth Hart & Joe Bonamassa | I’ll Take Care Of You |
911 | Otis Redding | Fa fa fa fa song |
912 | Caro Emerald | I Belong to You |
913 | Pink Floyd | Goodbye Blue Sky |
914 | Supertramp | Dreamer |
915 | John West | Weet wat je begint |
916 | Bruno Mars | Grenade |
917 | Celine Dion | Because you love me |
918 | Meat Loaf | Bat out of hell |
919 | Japan | Night Porter |
920 | Guus Meeuwis | Proosten |
921 | Twan Lijten | Als je Alles |
922 | Inlakech | Words |
923 | Fink | Perfect Darkness |
924 | Neil Young | Harvest |
925 | Elvis Presley | Are you lonesome tonight |
926 | Elvis Costello | She |
927 | Dire Straits | Ticket to heaven |
928 | Sabrina | Boys |
929 | ABBA | The winner takes it all |
930 | Smetana | Moldau |
931 | Talk Talk | Talk Talk |
932 | Dean Martin | Memories are made of this |
933 | Tool | 46 And 2 |
934 | Tom Waits | Waltzing Matilda |
935 | Genesis | That’s all |
936 | Muse | Citizen Erased |
937 | Depeche Mode | Heaven |
938 | Led Zeppelin | Song remains the same |
939 | Kaiser Chiefs | I predict a riot |
940 | Frank Zappa | Yo Mama |
941 | Roy Orbison | The Comedians |
942 | Deep Purple | Smoke on the water |
943 | Tricky | Black steel |
944 | Buffalo Tom | Birdbrain |
945 | Het Goede Doel | Eenvoud |
946 | Spice Girls | Wannabe |
947 | Guus Meeuwis | Toen ik je zag |
948 | Social Security | Wedding |
949 | Dobet Gnahore | Palea |
950 | Bob Marley Lauryn Hill | Turn Your Lights Down |
951 | Paul Elstak | I’m not an addict |
952 | Kate Bush | Feel it |
953 | Four Tops | It’s the Same Old Song |
954 | Bruce Springsteen | Cover Me |
955 | Jeroen van Zelst | Jij bent veel te jong |
956 | Damien Rice | Elephant |
957 | Dire Straits | When it comes to you |
958 | Alanis Monisette | Head over Fact |
959 | Hans Zimmer | Time |
960 | ZZ Top | Sharpdressed man |
961 | Michael Jackson | Dirty Diana |
962 | Rowwen Heze | Zondag in ’t Zuiden |
963 | Ferre Grignard | Ring Ring I’ve got to Sing |
964 | Eminem | Berzerk |
965 | Bee Gees | One Million Years |
966 | Red Dragon | Overheated |
967 | Angerfist | From the blackness |
968 | All Time Low | Somewhere in Neverland |
969 | Jack’s Mannequin | Rescued |
970 | Fiona Apple | Criminal |
971 | Basement Jaxx | Samba Magic |
972 | Frank Ocean | Piramids |
973 | Guns ’n Roses | Knocking on Heavens door |
974 | Drukwerk | Je loog tegen mij |
975 | ABBA | The Day you came |
976 | Wende Snijders | Devil’s Pact |
977 | Triggerfinger | I follow Rivers |
978 | Tight Fit | Fantasy Island |
979 | Maurice Leenaars | Pasos |
980 | Jeroen Kant | Springtij of Doodtij |
981 | Buffalo Springfield | What it’s worth |
982 | Fleetwood Mac | The Green Manalishi |
983 | Jocelyn Brown | Somebody Else’s Guy |
984 | Boney M | Feliz Navidad |
985 | John Denver | The Wings that Fly us Home |
986 | White Stripes | Hardest Button to Button |
987 | Afrojack | The spark |
988 | Kid Cudi | Pursuit of Happiness |
989 | Ben Howard | The Fear |
990 | Kings Of Leon | Fans |
991 | A Name for the moon | A Name for the moon |
992 | Deep Blue Something | Breakfast at Tiffany’s |
993 | Andre Hazes | Laatste Rondje |
994 | Robbie Williams | Candy |
995 | Ann Murray | You needed me |
996 | Jimi Hendrix | Crosstown traffic |
997 | Handsome Poets | Sky on Fire |
998 | Simon and Garfunkel | Bridge over Troubled Water |
999 | Queen | Don’t stop me now |
1000 | Wende Snijders | Au Suivant |
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